Brighton Student Bloggers

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Nick Worman

What is it like studying a Paramedic Science degree at Brighton?

  • Author: Nick Worman, Paramedic Science BSc(Hons), Paramedic Science BSc(Hons)

The pandemic encouraged me to study at university

I worked in travel for seven years and the pandemic finally give me the encouragement to do something new. I wanted to go to university and study a degree that would provide me with a rewarding career. I’ve always loved working with people and mentoring. Paramedics came to mind as it would be hugely fulfilling to help others. The more I considered it the more I got excited by it. I started watching programmes and talking to others about my choice to study it and the most common response was “I can completely see you doing that!” It wasn’t long after sharing my plans that I began my journey with an Access to HE course.

University is much more personal than college

I found the transition from college to university fairly easy and natural. The big difference is that you are now studying something specific and likely special to you. Another change is the resources and facilities available at University of Brighton. Having access to lecturers that have worked the same career that you aspire to do provides a wealth of information.

Interesting, fun, rewarding and hands on!

It’s great doing practical work with your classmates because everyone is as intrigued as you are. We’ve already covered basic CPR, taken ops, been in an ambulance, spent a week at SECBamb education centre and I have booked my first two ambulance shifts in mid-January! It’s great that we have already have practical learning to look forward to.

Paramedic Science at Brighton is 60% placement

We have our own mentor each year who we work on shift with. They help us develop our essential skills whilst also learning on the job! Ambulance placement is two shifts a week and during this academic year I will also work one week on a mental health ward – this placement will change to another specialist ward each study year.

Gratitude for our NHS

I admire how relentless the health care sector has been at adapting with the pandemic and constant increase of care and infection control. I’m extremely excited to be studying this degree and to be part of a crucial service where I can do my bit to help.

Student looking at their phone

Word from the uni…

Interested in this course? Read the full course description for our paramedic science degree BSc(Hons).

Interested in this subject? Here are more Health Professions degree courses.

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Allied Health ProfessionsparamedicParamedic Science BScSport and Health Sciences

Nick Worman • 15th August 2022

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