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Brighton Students’ Union – speak to our societies

There are over 100 societies to be part of at the University of Brighton, hear a bit about what some of them get up to.

Table Top Society

Hey all, we’re the Table Top Society here to promote social interaction through playing board games and taking part in Dungeons and Dragons campaigns.

The idea is to play RPGs and other party games to promote confidence in people and have a safe space where they can take part in activities. We would also like for our members to go out and experience different activities: whether it be game bars, conventions or even just finding a space to rent for an immersive fantasy experience. We are mainly focused on casual games for now but want to include more members who may want to lead more D&D campaigns. Inclusivity, Safety and Fun are our most treasured values as a society.

African Caribbean Society (ACS) 

The ACS celebrates both the African and Caribbean culture through the various events throughout the year, We also aim to educate and welcome those of a different ethnic backgrounds about these beautiful cultures. From Cook-outs, Debates, Nights out and Talent showcases, There is something for everyone. 

Ecological society

We aim to give students first-hand experience with nature by running workshops, working with local charities and exploring the natural beauty of Brighton and the surrounding areas. In semester two, we will be hosting events with Sussex Wildlife Trust, bioblitz’s, and bee workshops, and we finish off the term with our annual trip to Knepp Estate!

Find out more about how to join societies and discover all of the societies available.

Jenny and a friend holding their results

Word from the uni

Do grades matter in Clearing? Well, yes but we always look at you as an individual with a variety of talents and strengths. It’s never only about your grades!

Interesting reads: Find out how Eva saw Clearing as just another way to get to uni.

Find out more about Clearing in 2024

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Ilia Mirsky Katz • 24th July 2024

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