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Recording a university podcast with fashion students.

A day in the life of a fashion communication student

Hi. My name is Emma and I’m in my final year of my Fashion Communication with Business Studies BA(Hons) degree. Please join me for a day in the life of my penultimate week at university!

Recording a university podcast

In the morning, I arrived at Watts Building as I had the sound studio booked to record an episode of my podcast. For my final major project, I have produced a creative concept called ‘BN2 Collective’. This collective aims to help and guide creative students and graduates as they navigate their practice. Today I recorded an episode with Jason and Abbie, who are second year fashion communication students. Recently they have founded an agency-style collective called Jazz Club.

I cannot recommend podcasting enough! It is the most cathartic experience, even the table is padded to ensure the sound is soft. We recorded roughly 20 minutes for the podcast, which will be live on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

After this, I popped home and then headed towards Grand Parade. After the Easter break, it was lovely to see all my course-mates again. I then met with my tutor to discuss the final touches for my project, including thoughts about the exhibition, my sketchbooks and the future of BN2 Collective. My tutor reminded me of the importance of breathing! Projects at university can of course be overwhelming, so it’s key to take a step back sometimes and check in with yourself.

Fashion Revolution Week

Getting ready for Fashion Revolution Week clothes swap!

This week is Fashion Revolution Week and fashion communication is running a series of events and talks with a sustainability focus. Today was the clothes swap shop. For this event you can either bring in an item of clothing to swap or pay £2 for each garment. The main message is to update your wardrobe in a sustainable and environmentally conscious way.

Following this, I spent the afternoon in the studio before heading up to fashion design. One of my close friends is a final year fashion design student, and she had asked me to take some photos of her final crit.

Working on a fashion graduate film

In my course, we share two modules with design and textiles students, which means there are lots of exciting opportunities for collaboration. The fashion design degree students are currently thinking about creating their graduate film, which some comms students including myself are helping with! As I joined in 2019 and experienced a few years of university during Covid, it’s so lovely to be able to form more of a creative community once again! By this time it was around 5pm, so I headed home for a rest!

Fashion design student Maddie Morgan’s final collection review. 

Relaxing at home after uni

For me personally, having a moment to have a cup of tea and watch Gilmore Girls really helps me to relax, especially when managing final deadlines! As I said before it is so important to take regular breaks.

In the evening I then headed over to my friend Amy’s house for another podcast recording! The focus of Amy’s podcast is female empowerment and sharing experiences, so I discussed my experience of my course and setting up the BN2 Collective.

Thank you so much for taking the time to spend the day with me! I hope this has given you a little more insight into Fashion Communication and what a day in the final year looks like.

Time for a cuppa! Relaxing after a long day at uni.
Student looking at their phone

Word from the uni…

Find out more about our Fashion Communication with Business Studies BA(Hons). Our School of Art and Media is one of the best in the UK. Find out more about our range of degrees in Fashion, Textiles and 3D Design.

University of Brighton is in the top 50 universities for employability. Find out how studying here boosts your job prospects.

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Emma Adams • 9th May 2023

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