Additional resources to help us develop understanding ….

University College London have produced a really interesting toolkit that will help to guide us through our Bronze Award application process. In particular, they have indicated some further reading that might be useful

•The UCL Athena SWAN website  –this includes links to workshop presentations and successful UCL SWAN applications.
Athena SWAN handbook and submission documents
•Rees, T. 2011. The Gendered Construction of Scientific Excellence. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 36(2). pp.133-45
•Curt Rice –6 steps to gender equality
European Commission –Gender in research toolkit
•Moss-Racusin, A. C. 2012. Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favour male students. PNAS, 109(41) pp.16474–16479
•European Commission –Structural change in research institutions: enhancing excellence, gender equality and efficiency in research and innovation.
•Nature –Women in science special




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