Quality Ward Round Programme

Simulation at BSMSWard rounds are part of daily life for an FY1 and indeed all hospital doctors whichever specialty. Are doctors and other health professionals aware of the role they can play in ward rounds? How can you make your round most effective for the patient?

The Quality Ward Round Project (QWRP) is a simulation based training programme that allows learners the opportunity to play out different roles within the ward round and explore what makes them effective, safe and of greatest benefit to the patient.  We use different themed clinical scenarios to test learners communication skills, interpersonal skills and team working to show them how to perform structured safe ward reviews.  Over 130 people have been trained so far with > 98% of people rating the training as excellent and essential for all FY1 and medical students as well as other members of the multi-disciplinary team.

Training for Foundation Year doctors during their induction period used a common framework of simulated scenarios to be delivered across three sites in the region in 2014. Lead clinicians are Dr Neal Gent (St Richard’s) & Dr Natalie Powell (East Surrey Hospitals).

Similarly the QWRP is being used for the 1st and 2nd year Physician Associate Programmes at BSMS, Surrey and Kent/Canterbury Christchurch in 2017-18.

Course Handbook Download: coursebookQWRP – copyrighted [PDF]

Excerpts from data analysis of QWRP Results for Chichester, Surrey and Sussex Hospital.

Download full document: QWRP Results CHICH&SASH [PDF]



Download full document: QWRP Results Chichester AHPs [PDF]