The Postgraduate Certificate comprises three interlinked modules delivered at Masters Level, and is suitable for those involved in simulation based education (SBE) in the workplace or as part of their teaching. We encourage applications from all domains of practice and the modules are delivered through a multi-disciplinary approach, using practitioners from several fields of expertise. There are two requisites for applying for the PG Certifiate:
- You are actively involved in delivering/planning Simulation Based Education in your clinical role
- You can demonstrate successful prior academic study at level 6 or equivalent
Each module accounts for 20M level credits after successful completion of the modular assessment.
The PG Cert is made up of:
- Principles and Practice of Simulation (MDM148)
The module forms the introduction to the PG Cert, and covers all aspects of simulation based activities, including the educational principles and application in various settings. Practical group is part of the 5 day intensive module which will help illustrate some of the fundamental practices in simulation such as the educational principles underpinning the use of simulation in teaching and learning e.g. behaviourism, constructivism, extrinsic and intrinsic feedback; the qualities of high fidelity simulation and technical issues, the typology of simulation based activities, introduction to Feedback and Debriefing, communication skills in simulation e.g. Simulated patients, Simulated environments e.g. Virtual Ward Rounds, and Evaluation and Assessment in simulation. Assessment is through a 3000 word essay focussing upon an area of SBME that interests you/is relevant to your workplace or teaching remit. It is intended that learners will follow this with a second module called: - Feedback and Debriefing in Simulation (MDM149)
This module focuses upon ideas developed from critical reflective practice and transformative practice, including the key issues of feedback in education, leading to structured debriefing. NB. Participants will be expected to prepare a portfolio of teaching experience focusing upon SBE in their work setting, and this should include peer observation of teaching (POT) over 5 separate occasions, alongside reflective analysis of your role as a teacher.NB. This requires careful planning after attending the first 3 days of the module. - Teaching and Learning in Medical Education (MDM28)
This module will enable the learner to reflect upon their previous teaching and learning to explore and apply educational theories and new skills proactively in the course of their current and future teaching and professional practice. Technology enhanced learning and evidence based educational practice will be central to this module..
To apply for the course, please visit the Simulation page on the BSMS website. You can also apply for the modules individually if you wish to complete them on a CPD basis only. An example Course Handbook can be found here: PGCert Simulation – Website Course Handbook.
For dates when our modules are running, please visit this webpage. Feedback from previous deliveries of the modules, when run as CPD events, can also be found below.
Principles and Practice of Simulation (Nov ’17)
Feedback and Debriefing in Simulation (Jan 18)
To access further details of other courses available through the Graduate programme, please use this link