First Week!!

26th September 2016

First Day!

My first day at uni wasn’t too bad actually! Im not a very sociable person so meeting new people on the course was quite daunting, However there was a few people that seemed nice. I was put into a group and given the first brief which was ‘ice breaker’. I was not too happy about this because I HATE socialising! but I knew I had to get out my comfort-zone.

27th September 2016

Planning & Decisions

Our group for the ‘Ice breaker’ came up with the idea to have a silent dinner party. each person in the group would bring some food that they made and we would communicate but drawing onto a table cloth. I thought this was a great idea as I would not need to worry about having an awkward with anyone.

28th September 2016

Day of the Ice breaker!

So the dinner party did not go as planned. It was not silent but we all agreed that it could get very weird to sit in silence just eating and drawing. Some peoples food turned out great and others was… not so great. However, the table cloth was a great success! Everyone got involved and it look awesome. I also collected my uni card on this day, I felt I was an official university student!14585777_911534495646640_1727422238_o


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