The Despite Extractivism Exhibition and Events Series continues with an onlince webinar with exhibition contributors and the communities they work with

Thursday 3 February 12-1.30pm (UK) online webinar

Communities of place are often at the centre of stories about the impacts of and resistance to extractivism. When we ask what and who persists ‘despite extractivism’, the question also invites us to think about what we mean by ‘community’ in our stories.
Sharing their stories of community counter-mapping against extractive developments will be Dewi Sutejo and Moh. Husen from JKPP and Sulaiman from Pari Community in Indonesia, and V’cenza Cirefice and Fidelma O’Kane from Save Our Sperrins resisting mining in the Sperrin Mountains, North of Ireland. The event will have simultaneous Bahasa Indonesian translation.

JKPP and Pari Island Community
JKPP is an Indonesian NGO that works in community advocacy through the participatory map. It was established by a group of activists in 1996. It aims for community territorial jurisdiction through a community participatory map. The community of Pari Island developed a participatory map to counter extractive tourism developments. Sulaiman is part of the community defending Pari Island, and was criminalised during confrontations with companies.

V’cenza Cirefice and Fidelma O’Kane
V’cenza Cirefice has been engaging with communities in the Sperrin mountains, North of Ireland, to understand their resistance to extractivism. Using a methodology of activist engagement, photovoice and counter-mapping, this project is exploring the ways in which people relate to each other and the more-than-human world.

Fidelma O’Kane is from Co. Tyrone where she lives with her husband. They have 4 grown up sons and 4 baby grandchildren. She is a retired lecturer and former social worker. Fidelma is the Secretary of ‘Save Our Sperrins’, an environmental group, campaigning against the Planning Application of a Canadian goldmining company, Dalradian, for a goldmine and processing plant in the Sperrin mountains, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The event is supported by the Wellbeing, Ecology, Gender and cOmmunity research network(WEGO-ITN), funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 764908)

Further information on Despite Extractivism and the full series of events can be found here:


Photo Credits: Walhi; V’cenza Cirefice