Red de Organizaciones Femeninas del Pacifico Caucano Matamba y Guasa, Andrea García González (former CSECP Visiting Fellow), Adriana Rudling, Sanne Weber y Laura Rodríguez Castro “The treasure is in the relationships”. This was the key idea resulting from a… Continue Reading →
Centre SCDTP postdoctoral fellow (2020-21) Andrea García González has been awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for her project ‘Memory Reimagined: Gender and Intersectionality in Participatory Memory Configuration’. The interdisciplinarity of the project and its contribution to future research in… Continue Reading →
The Management Board of the Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics (SECP) condemns the Russian attack on the sovereign state of Ukraine. We stand in solidarity with the people affected by this crisis, with the Ukrainian people, the people… Continue Reading →
SECP Co-director Nichola Khan shares a syllabus she designed on Quantitative Methods for Migration This course will introduce you to some common quantitative research methods in migration studies. You will critically evaluate approaches to interpreting, using, and also producing… Continue Reading →
Join SECP online and help us to celebrate the publication of Valeria Vegh Weis’s recent book. Register to attend: 13.00-14.00 (BST) Wednesday 23 February 2022 (Zoom) PRESENTERS: Valeria Vegh Weis, Wayne Morison, Matt Clement, Roxana Cavalcanti. Genocidal activism and… Continue Reading →
The Despite Extractivism Exhibition and Events Series continues with an onlince webinar with exhibition contributors and the communities they work with Community Thursday 3 February 12-1.30pm (UK) online webinar Communities of place are often at the centre of stories about… Continue Reading →
SECP member Travis Van Isacker shares his research, adapted here from his doctoral thesis ‘Counter-mapping citizenship: bordering through domicide in Calais, France’ (2020). This year Travis will join Migration Mobilities Bristol as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the ‘Moving’ domain of… Continue Reading →
SECP PhD researcher Sean Heath reflects on his experience during the COVID-19 pandemic In the post-covid era where close quarter indoor contact, particularly in sports has been nearly entirely nulled, outdoor physical activity has seen a large uptake. Individual pursuits… Continue Reading →
Embodied, sensory or emotional experiences can evoke (new) sensibilities to extractive realities at a personal level. In this webinar we will explore how particular kinds of creative practises and strategies not only portray such experiences but also motivate embodied persistence… Continue Reading →
It’s our pleasure to invite you to our online exhibition and event series exploring the ways in which care, creativity and community persist, exist and resist despite – or because – of extractivism. The Despite Extractivism online exhibition assembles expressions… Continue Reading →
CentreSECP postdoctoral fellow, Andrea García González reports on activities carried out during her recent ESRC Postdoctoral fellowship ESRC Postdoctoral fellowship at CentreSECP as collective work: a spark of light in the pandemic dark A snowball of connections rolling through… Continue Reading →
Associate SECP member, Valeria Vegh Weis (Universität Konstanz), writes about her new edited book CRIMINALIZATION OF ACTIVISM: Historical, Present and Future Perspectives (Routledge 2021) As critical scholars, we hardly get used to the never-ending cases of criminalization of protest… Continue Reading →
Artist Arabel Lebrusan started her Research Fellowship at the Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics at the University of Brighton in summer 2021, with the aim of exploring notions of extractivism, ecofeminism and ecological grief, through her artistic practice. She… Continue Reading →
A very warm welcome to our two new Centre PGR representatives for 2021-22, Maia Brons and Laura Mitchell, who will take on the role jointly and serve to represent our PGR interests, and to further SECP’s PGR voices and involvement… Continue Reading →
2pm-4pm Wednesday 8 December 2021 Online via MS Teams Please email for the joining link SECP are hosting an informal workshop intended as a space to reflect on COP26. We will loosely structure the session around a number of themes… Continue Reading →
We are pleased to be able to share with you the recording of our recent event, “Debates about the Rhodes statue at Oriel College, University of Oxford: historical evidence, commission report, and the College’s response,” with speakers Zeinab Badawi and… Continue Reading →
CentreSECP are excited to announce two incredible speakers, Zeinab Badawi and William Beinart, will be joining us to discuss the debates about the Rhodes statue at Oriel College, University of Oxford that were brought to wide public attention through the… Continue Reading →
The University of Brighton’s Dr Nichola Khan features on Radio 4’s Thinking Allowed on 6 October 2021, discussing the experience of Afghan migrants in England. Dr Khan is Reader in Anthropology and Psychology in the School of Humanities and… Continue Reading →
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Prácticas de relacionalidad: Diálogos para imaginar otras formas de hacer investigación
Red de Organizaciones Femeninas del Pacifico Caucano Matamba y Guasa, Andrea García González, Adriana Rudling, Sanne Weber y Laura Rodríguez Castro “El tesoro está en las relaciones.” Esta es la idea clave que resultó de una serie de encuentros… Continue Reading →