Symposium programme

(registration link, general information and directions here)

Printable version with full abstracts

09:30  Registration opens

10:00  Introduction and Opening talk
Infrastructures for  an Elemental Commons, Prof. Derek McCormack, University of Oxford.
Discussant: Dr. Leila Dawney, University of Brighton

11:10 Break

11:20 World Café  (parallel sessions, more information on the format here)

  • Table 1: Infrastructures and the State
    with Muna Dajani, Caglar Koksal and Dominic Walker
  • Table 2: Infrastructures, Power and Everyday Practices
    with Galvao Santos, Hanna Ruszczyk and Anshika Suri
  • Table 3: Ways of Knowing Infrastructures
    with Dominic Davies and Yi Chen
  • Table 4: The Materiality of Infrastructures
    with Omar Jabary Salamanca, Jonathan Silver, William Jamieson and Pablo DeSoto

13:20 Lunch

14:15 Engaging infrastructures (parallel one hour workshops)

  • Table 5: Infrastructural Labour and Livelihoods
    with Kathleen Stokes and Alejandro De Coss Corzo
  • Table 6: Participation, Agency and Imagination
    with Carol Mancke and Carla Washbourne
  • Table 7: Infrastructuring research though board games: collective gameplay against global risks
    with Callum Nash
  • Table 8: Way of Circle
    with Sarah Kelley

15:15 Overview of world café sessions and workshops

15:50 Break

16:00 Plenary discussion

17:00 Close

17:30 Drinks reception across the road

Organisers: Elona Hoover , Judith Roemhild-Raviart, Kate Monson, Lorenza Ippolito and Shai Kassirer.