I want to use this platform to share my research ideas and things am passionate about. Hopefully, I will be able to update the page more often.
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The first article I want to share is my MSc project and I hope you enjoy the reading.
The role of the psychological contract: managing the impact of psychosocial factors on employee performance, wellbeing and turnover intentions in Nigerian Industries.
Ola Akinyo
Purpose – The purpose of this research project is to explore the association between the psychosocial work environment, psychological contract and employee well-being of Nigerian workers and the implications for workplace health management.
Design/methodology/approach – For the study, a survey questionnaire was used and 283 respondents from various industries across Nigeria responded.
Findings – The results suggest that the psychological contract between the employer and the employee plays an important role in reducing or managing the potential negative impact of psychosocial factors on employee performance, wellbeing and turnover intentions.
Research implications – Research is required to explore and raise awareness in developing countries on the effect of psychosocial work factors, their effects on the employee, the organisation and the overall effect on the economy.
Practical implications – To address workplace psychosocial factors from the workplace health management perspectives in developing countries; provide a platform for polices on psychosocial risk assessment, monitoring and management in the workplace.
Social implications – provide insight into the level of exposure to psychosocial factors their effect on wellbeing, the section of the population at risk and the industry at higher risk of exposure.
Originality/value – The paper addresses a gap in the literature linking the role of psychological contract with managing the impact of psychosocial work environment factors on employee wellbeing, turnover intentions and performance; the implications for workplace health management in a developing country context.
Keywords- Psychological Contract, Psychosocial work environment, wellbeing, developing country
For the full article click the link below.
Psychological Contract and Psychosocial Risk in the Workplace