I am calling upon all University of Brighton’s Alumni who, over the past 10 years, have contributed towards the Peer2Peer Capacity Building through Niche Tourism Initiative, by taking the module SZ611 Destination Niche Tourism or as a Master Student, while studying at the University of Brighton.
I am in the process of finalising the plans for our P2P Exchange and 10 Years Celebratory Reunion to take place in The Gambia from 14-16 March 2017. Our School has committed funds from the ECHO grant to make this a unique event…
Please share on your social media pages to get maximum response from your P2P colleagues and reply asap by emailing me at M.Novelli@brighton.ac.uk with your expression of interest in taking part and, most importantly, book the time off work to come an join us in Kartong, The Gambia…we need you to make this another exceptional successful Gambian experience!!!