Aim: to develop learning outcomes which are easy to understand, to assess and that align with the module and course curriculum.
How: situate the LO i.e. in what kind of situation do I expect student to need / be able to use this knowledge?
- Foundational knowledge (threshold concepts) – understanding information and ideas
- Application – skills (technical / non-technical), critical thinking, managing projects
- Integration – connecting ideas / context / people
- Professional – learning about self and others, developing interests, values and attitudes (care / compassion / integrity etc)
- Learning how to learn – subject inquiry, study skills, self-directed, motivation
Develop a process based curriculum model – that focuses on personal and professional development rather than just professional knowledge. Proficiency is about having the capability to transfer knowledge / skills, identifying learning needs, integrating knowledge and applying it to practice.
Make the course structure and link between modules explicit and do this at every opportunity.
Considerations: see examples of LOs below:
Level 4 Descriptors:
- Clarify
- Collate
- Engage
- Judge
- Identify
- Undertake
- Use
Level 5/6 Descriptors:
- Analyse
- Apply
- Argue
- Compare
- Criticise
- Evaluate
- Justify
- Reflect
Level 6 Descriptors:
- Contrast
- Create
- Formulate
- Generate
- Theorise