Student transition

Here is the agreed plan for which student cohorts will continue on the current course and those that will transition to the new course:

  • S16, F17, S17 and F18 will remain on the current course to completion
  • S18 and F19 will transfer to the new course from year 2
  • S19 onwards will start the new course from year 1

Suggested content for Welcome week and Transition weeks

Transition strategy for S18 and F19:

  1. April 2017 and November 2018  – Course lead to write to all S18 and F19 applicants prior to the course starting to inform them of the new course transition in year 2.
  2. September 2018 and January 2019  – Course lead and team to reiterate transition during welcome week.
  3. October 2018 – Cohort tutor to facilitate course representatives and invite them to the curriculum development group meetings.
  4. January 2019  – Course lead to request comments on the year planner from S18 and agree amendments.
  5. March 2019 – Course lead to meet with both cohorts to explain progress with course development.
  6. April 2019 – Course lead to confirm the approval of the course
  7. May 2019 onwards – Course lead and team to communicate the approved course changes to S18 and F19.
  8. September  – November 2019 – S18 and F19 attend transition weeks in preparation for year 2 of the course.

Over this year alongside the transition of students, mentors will also undergo a period of transition to the new practice supervisor and practice assessor roles.



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