© 2018 Helen Bookbinder

Ditchling Workshop December 16th

Setting up for alkaline extraction method with madder root – adding washing soda

And then testing for the ph – looking for ph 9-10 but we were a bit over


We also set up a dye bath for Sticklac – a resin secreted by insects


We added vinegar to the sticklac solution to lower the pH

Sticklac samples including the usual modifiers

And then we had a surprise visit from one of Santa’s little helpers. (The hat wiggled and played a tune of sorts).

And out of a sack came a parcel for everyone

A hand knitted pair of mits. Santa’s helper had been very busy. This pair had been dyed with woad harvested from Brighton earlier this year.

Jenny brought in a wonderful collection of indigo dyed fabrics from around the world.

This fabric was stitched up with raffia before dyeing and most of the stitching was yet to be removed.


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