Monthly Archives: July 2018

Log books

Log books

Some attempts at extracting colour from the inner bark of trees   Large sycamore log wrapped with Fabriano and dipped in water for a week or two …


Bark marks

Bark marks


Mini Sample Books

Mini Sample Books





Dock Seed Heads Solar Pot

Dock Seed Heads Solar Pot


July Workshop at Ditchling

July Workshop at Ditchling

We set up three dye pots in the morning for – cochineal, madder and weld For the madder we used recipe 10 in “Colours From Nature” And …


More coreopsis

More coreopsis





BFK Rives dyed with blackberry and modified gives a varied palette of colour: from the bottom, NM, + vinegar, + washing soda, + copper, + …


Four Sample Books

Four Sample Books

Samples of Dyer’s Chamomile, Sumac Leaves and Bark and Dark Hollyhock Flowers with modifiers


Coreopsis Solar Dyed

Coreopsis Solar Dyed

Amazing colour from these little flower heads and interesting with the modifiers

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