In preparation for my Task 1 tutorial, I scanned in my sketchbook for my tutor to look at easily, however, next time I will be sure to make it into a PDF document instead of having the separate JPEGs as this would look more professional and seamless in terms of presentation, which I need to be very aware of at this stage. Prior to this meeting I had felt unsure of the direction of my work as I had not narrowed down my concepts to something niche, I had been doing general research to gain a wider understanding of art and design in different forms so that I could find something that catches my eye to expand on and investigate further. However, I had a lot of loose ideas floating around in my mind which made me unsure on how to progress.  

My tutorial was extremely helpful as my tutor made me focus on what my favourite projects have been during my time on fashion communication and to start with that as it is important to do something that I genuinely love and build from that point. Illustration, visual promotion and the magazine project were by far my favourites, I don’t particularly feel confident in styling and I enjoyed photography but I don’t feel as if I want to focus on that for my project; however I would like to incorporate it at some stage. My main focus is on collage and graphic design with hints of illustrations as this is what I am drawn to the most and I feel more effective working towards. The idea of a zine was highlighted to me as this would be perfect for my style of working. Writing my blogs has also been enjoyable for me and have previously done a bit of poetry for the illustration project and my level 5 option module which would be great to incorporate more within my creative practices. Improving my writing skills is something that I am keen to do, through the use of article writing, critical analysis, essays poetry and blog posts. 

Personally, I feel as if I need to go through my sketchbook and take notes on what to do next creatively as I haven’t actually created any creative outcomes or experimentation. My book is lacking in creative outcomes and therefore I need to dedicate a few days of doing solid work in either the studio or the library, as I can’t work that well in my own house, in order to keep up to date and find my feet within this project. 

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