FMP WEEK 9 (WC: 25/01/2021)

FMP WEEK 9 (WC: 25/01/2021)  


What I have been doing 

  • Improving my visual content and digital technical abilities for my FMP has been my main priority over the past few weeks; experimenting with layout design and various software to push my aesthetic has been useful for developing my skill s. I have been constantly adding to my Pinterest board for inspiration and have been using resources like LinkedIn Learning or various YouTube tutorials. To build upon my work in more depth, I should be applying my learning to my FMP work for context. I have been feeling as if my productivity levels could be improved as I have not been improving as much work as I could be. This leads down to organisation; once I have caught up to do with my blogs and implemented some further research into my chosen specialism, I could really start to improve on the content I am making for my magazine. 


  • As my inspiration board has been successful in stimulating more interesting content and seeking out more appropriate research for my FMP, I chose two personally eye-catching images to analyse and reference within my work. 
  • The first image is a graphic poster for USAID it seems, disregarding the current context of the images, I was drawn to the many elements harmonising together in the form of complementary fonts, use of a black border, the fonts interacting with each other like the layering of the titles at the top of the page. My style of work is predominately of a similar visual style in terms of less negative space with fairly frantic and chaotic backgrounds, which is most likely why it appealed to me. The poster is essentially a digital collage of fonts with an interesting layout; there are several sections but the fact that they are not boxed off with border or different colours allows all the different parts of the poster to stay uniform and work as a whole rather than splitting the page up into different sections. The addition of the flag imagery to be placed within the poster adds a three-dimensional interest in the right two thirds of the image, making this the foreground interest as the colour is different from the rest of the poster too. The blue of the flag is complimented by the recurring use of blue in small quantities which is distributed around the page evenly, allowing the foreground interest to connect with the chaos of the background in a way which compliments each other. The layout of the poster is clever in which they have used negative space and white areas but filled them sparingly with smaller blocks of text or individual icons, allowing the viewer to constantly be darting around the page, increasing the engagement with the art piece and allowing all the small details of the design to become recognised. 


  • This leads me on to the second image; I was drawn to this as it was also chaotic and busy yet in a much more simplified manner. The use of typography is something that I was intrigued by as I would love to incorporate typography further into my work which is essential if I am going to be doing magazine and layout work as well as creative direction. Following forward from this, I may set myself a series of typography trials and small tutorials to follow as this could stimulate content creation for my magazine, Sentient. The page of the left uses a hand drawn font, could have been creating digitally using software and brush or pen tools virtually or by hand by taking a more tactile approach to type design, either way would be a great starting point for me to start developing my knowledge of the different elements of typography and how this can enhance the design of my magazine. The small text at the bottom stands out even considering its size, which is due to the contrasting shapes, the main font is bold, thick and in a bright colour with imperfections made from the hand drawn quality of it whereas the text below is in a simple sans-serif font, in black and with thick sharp lines which distinguishes its own identify from the main text. The text on the right is reminiscent of the same layout yet uses a clean, blocked out sans-serif font which has enough similar qualities in terms of positioning on the page and sixing which relates to the image on the left, yet more digital which transforms to look of the text but keeps the two pages in harmony. 


Shown below are some collages I developed on from last week.

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