WEEK 2 – TASK 2 TUTORIAL – Myself, Jules and Hannah
TASK 2 TUTORIAL – Myself, Jules and Hannah
For my actual topic of exploration for task 2, I was unsure on what direction I wanted to go in as I had generated a lot of potential ideas within my mind map in my sketchbook. I was aware that there must be some sort of link between task 1 and task 2 however the key to this module is research and experimentation and therefore even though I had no solid ideas, I had done some research prior to the tutorial which was useful to talk through with the tutors.
I spoke through my sketchbook work, highlighting that my specialism lies with collage and graphic design and that doing my written essay in the form of a magazine tutorial would be useful in progressing my fashion communication skills towards the area that I feel like I’m strongest in and want to push myself further in. The fact that I’m interested in layout and collages would therefore seem like an appropriate way to present my work, however once I’ve refined the concept down, I’ll be able to review the best possible execution of the subject matter.
My advice was to carry on researching the way I do; looking at both online exhibitions as well as primary research and was pointed in the direction to investigate sensory exhibitions, virtual world, electronic music, lighting and time lapses in terms of presentation, Linderism by artist Linder, John Stezaker, cut and paste National Gallery Edinburgh , Schwitters collage artist Tate Britain etc.
The tutors also suggested that I could complete a technical report on the process of collaging, exploring the origins and pioneers of the movement as well as the political sides. This seemed very interesting to me as collage has now developed digitally as well as having thousands of techniques as a tactile, hands on process.
My next steps will be top research all the artists etc that were recommended to me by the tutors, as well as keep the collage idea in mind and learnt that I need to do a lot of research in order to narrow down a more specific and original idea.