WEEK 2 – TASK 1 TUTORIAL – Group with Jules
TASK 1 TUTORIAL – Group with Jules
Attending the group tutorial was really reassuring for me as it was a positive online tutorial, was really nice to see other people on my course and have discussions in smaller groups, as well as it being useful for me to hear other people’s ideas and the way that they research as they could always teach me something new. It also reminded me that everyone’s brains work individually, and I need to find my own unique way of working, researching and documenting in order to progress my professional development too. For example, one of the girls in my group had a fairly positive idea for an outcome she wanted to present and is working backwards to achieve that goal which works for her, but I know that personally I work better by gaining a lot of research and making small experiments first, and therefore will continue to work more that way.
I was thankful for the tutors to clear up the confusion I had between both tasks and now I am aware that as I research for each task, these can cross over and inform the decisions I make for each outcome. Task 2 is the academic and critical written outcome when task 1 is focusing on my sketchbook and concept development right now. I was also given a lot of points of research from the tutors to progress my work in therefore I feel quite positive about this project.