The future of this project was something that both made me nervous and excited. Nervous because I don’t usually work within a three dimensional manner, I tend to use computer projects to make collages or designs, as well as making two dimensional paper collages and illustrations, therefore three dimensional work wasn’t something I was entirely used to or practised regularly. However, this provided me with an opportunity to progress my personal development with art and design by attempting and trial a series of new techniques which i was be able to transfer into any industry level job; which are perfect skills to acquire when thinking about placements; being multidisciplinary is an essential trait to have as a professional.


An arrange of end results for the project gives me the impression that we could be fluid with our roles and input within our groups, which would be a nice change from the previous project in which we were assigned roles within our specialist abilities, it would be nice to be able to have the opportunity to trial things that i either haven’t before, or haven’t come back to in years. Amongst the possibilities for the final outcome were: a fashion film, performance, installation, sculpture, window displays, moving image, set design, immersive installation or a virtual space! So many options will really allow us to think outside the box with what we create, however I haven’t really attempted many of these before.



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