Third Styling Shoot 1

We wanted to mainly focus o the idea of using props, illustrations and designs as a way to influence and develop our photography to another level and add another element to it. The main style of these photographs were inspired by our own drawings of illustrating over our own photography from our previous photo shoots as well as Charles Jeffery who is known for his illustrations which add a jolly and high spirited personality to his work.

We wanted ours to have that same quality while being inspired by photographers like Petra Collins and Chloe Sheppard who create a completely different aesthetic within their photographs to Matty Bovan and Charles Jeffrey. Collins creates beautiful, conceptual and feminine pieces of photography usually by post production and the use of soft, natural lighting, calm and peaceful facial expressions of the models looking down, closing their eyes, looking natural and not too posed with a colour pallet of pinks and muted shades of neutral colours. Sheppard takes portraits of women in natural environments, a lot of forest and tree based backgrounds with women posing in the centre of the image.

The elements we have joined to create our shoot were the playful illustrations of Charles Jeffrey which we related back to the themes of femininity and representation of women by creating heavy contour and covering the face of the model like a mask over her identity as well as heavy and exaggerated makeup with red lips and cheeks to disguise her natural face underneath. We complimented this with Sheppard and Collins style of photography by fining a direct source of natural light and placing our model in a way where the acetate over her face creates a beautiful glare which looks very dream like as it makes the picture look slightly abstract.

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