LM111 Week 3

Blog entry 2 on the 21/02/18 LM111

In this weeks lesson, Maria started off by explaining the 3 layered model of media. Which is;

  1. objects and tools such as laptop and phone
  2. content and services such as recording or copying
  3. practices of use/social meanings – share, consume and communicate

This weeks theme, similar from last week, from my understanding, was the history and the contrast between old and new media “new media are often frequently contrasted (usually favourably) with ‘old media’ (Lister et al. 2009, p. 45). In the lecture, Maria gives us a brief history of the development of media from 1960’s America to present day. She also taught us the key term Technological Determinism: which is the focus on media technology and its effect on users.

In groups we discussed “How, in itself, the media doesn’t contribute  to participation, expression and freedom of information of information”. My team talked about how in North Korea the media consumption is changed to suit the needs of the government, and how in China – Facebook (2004) is banned. Even though the internet does help information and participation and freedom of speech, it still has its boundaries. This relates to the quote “…technological innovations are seen drivers in the ‘progress’ (or sometimes ‘decline’) of society and culture” (Miller, 2011:3)

Homework: Is a historical perspective useful to the study of media? 

The compassion between the old and new in the media allows us as users and creators to see whats changed over time, too gain perspective in what we had and what’s evolved to present day. These comparisons can help us evaluate pros and cons in what we had to what we can have. “Revolutions in the media turn out to have been long in the making” (MacKensie and Wajcman, 1999:9) suggesting we were always going to improve technology, and this is not a new development.

However, despite Lister saying “any attempt to understand new media requires a historical perspective” (Lister et al, 2003: 38) I do not believe that historical perspective is crucial to the study of media. Media is always changing and always current, history becomes irrelevant.



LM111 Week 2

Blog entry 1 on the 13/2/18 LM111

This is my first blog entry due in for tomorrow, as I had my lesson yesterday detailing exactly what we must include in these blogs, I fear I do not have time to do the full readings. However, I will start as of next week.

In yesterdays lesson we learned about Analogue media. Before that, introducing this lecture/seminar, the lecturer talked to us about the difference between content media and distribution media. Content media is video, text, image, sound etc whilst distribution media is wifi, satellites, landlines etc. Content media is what can be shared via distribution media.

This leads on to analogue media. Defined as “one set of physical properties can be stored in another”. Meaning to reproduce and store media and data. Analogue media can be like a basic telephone or a (non-smart) television. The cons with analogue media is that its

  • heavy
  • slow (slower to other, newer, technology)
  • expensive
  • limited with that it can do

this type of analogue technology was only produced by professionals.

In contrast to this, digitisation is basically the convergence of these different, separate technologies.  All digital content can be shared via any network. digital convergence that can be accessed by any device.

  • digital signal can be compressed
  • high speed
  • easy to manipulate
  • low cost
  • more roles for more users

In this lesson we learnt the difference between analogue and digital media, how its distributed and what there pros and cons are. The convergence in media allowing one device, for example; a smart phone, to fulfil the functions of many, has benefited society greatly – making tasks easier and more accessible for the masses.