The Lunch Time Read – day 7

Reading Blacksad by Juan Díaz Canales (writer) and Juanjo Guarnido (illustrator)

Listening to Ravyn Lenae, Moon shoes (2015)

Blacksad was beautiful because of it’s detailed illustrations and muted palette. The perspective used in some of the panels was amazing. However, I didn’t really get on with the story. Maybe I should back-up… Blacksad is a cat and he is a detective, suave and trench-coated. His boss is an Alsatian (who brought to mind actor Idris Elba). The heavies that approached him include a rhino. The anthropomorphism worked well under the artist’s hand, the narrative didn’t match up to the images though.

bsThis graphic novel is for adults, all good, the story was more parody of a noir drama. Maybe it’s that something really innovative and creative (like the drawing) matched with a formulaic narrative would also make you question – if the images are innovative, why can’t the story be too?

Today, I was listening to Moon shoes, at times this felt like an album of  percussion; song after song she lulls the listener with clicks and drums of her vocal chords. When I read about the singer I was surprised to learn she is just 17 years old. The album has had high production thrown at it, now sure how it would work live but it is a happy sound.