From reading the chapter Selecting a subject and the conversation between David Hurn and Bill Jay, these are the main points that resonated with me and my project:

The photographer must have strong curiosity in the theme and subject. This curiosity leads to further research, reading, talking about your project and lots of failed attempts before starting to get certain elements right.

You aren’t a photographer because you are interested in photography.

A love and long lasting respect for the subject matter is an important characteristic in being a photographer.

The two fundamental aspects and controls the photographer has of taking a picture is position (where to stand) and timing (when to release the shutter).

These certain ideas relate to myself and my project because I have always had a love for photography and this has grown stronger from taking this module. However I am conscious that I can and will always strive to improve on my techniques for taking pictures.

From this reading I will take into consideration how my positioning and timing can affect how my images can look for my project. As I am capturing trees in the forest where I live, I am aiming to produce portrait and landscape shots including colour and shadowing. This is to give a dynamic to the trees and surrounding nature, creating an insight into my time at home.


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