In response to the reading In Plato’s Cave by Susan Sontag I took a lot of inspiration for my own project. Susan talks about photography being like a memoir and giving us a sense of nostalgia. I like the idea of photography being like a memory and a way to freeze a moment in time. We use photos often to capture moments in the past which we want to remember, ‘It is a nostalgic time right now, and photographs actively promote nostalgia’ (Sontag 1977:15). I plan to use this in my project to carefully think about what I am photographing and why. Susan also goes on to say, ‘To take a picture is to have an interest in things as they are, in the status quo remaining unchanged (at least for as long as it takes to get a “good” picture), to be in complicity with whatever makes a subject interesting, worth photographing’ (Sontag, 1977: 12). This made me think about why I want to photography my family and why they are worth photographing. My family reflect my sense of place and I want to portray that in my work, not just take ordinary pictures of my family but really capture the meaning behind my sense of place and how my family fit into that.