Archive of ‘My Thoughts’ category


Looking back to my statement of intent, I’ve developed and grew into my concept a lot more than I ever anticipated, I think the previous foundations and research I had done for my dissertation.

Unfortunately I was unable to go to Amsterdam in the end as of work commitments, I feel this would have allowed me to see first hand how women feel working in the sex industry and take interviews away from that experience to build a stronger basis incorporating it into my final concept of the Female Gaze.

On the surface this project doesn’t relate however I came up with the idea of looking into the Female Gaze when looking through Glamour magazines rebranded first issue and it occurred to me that we judge and look at other women the way men do. Scrutinising over lumps, bumps, spots who wears what the best and looks the ‘hottest’ when in reality we should be encouraging each others flaws and imperfections. As more times than not other women struggle with the same issues making them more normal and natural than ‘unsightly’.

I found that when looking closer at the Fashion industry women are continually portrayed through the Male Gaze, especially in retail advertising and marketing. Encouraging women to buy into a life where men find them attractive and they fulfil the female beauty ideal.

This is where I got my start point from combining that with my interest in Playboy magazine that I focused on for my dissertation I felt I had a strong starting point.

The exhibitions I discussed in my statement of intent I did visit however didn’t necessarily feel once I had developed my idea beyond the statement of intent, they seemed not irrelevant but to be going down a different scientific path than the one I was looking at with gender studies.

With my gant chart I checked back to it to reference and make sure I hadn’t missed anything/was keeping on track however I did not meet the majority of deadlines and in the end ignored the time like all together. I found it was mostly unrealistic time deadlines which just weren’t attainable.

I feel there are definitely areas of my project that I could improve on and have gone more in depth, doing more photoshoots and incorporating a larger variety of illustrations in my final.

I am however extremely pleased with my exhibition board as I wanted to create a minimalist artist wall as if in someones living room, adding an additional plant to give it more depth and aesthetically pleasing look.

I found this project challenging at times however I think I handled all that it had to throw at me creating a consistent, coherent brand identity along with work that I’m proud of.

It’s Shoot Time

Well the time has come, it’s shoot time.

I think I’m gonna do three shoots, from all my research I’ve come up with three themes.

Are you ready?

We’ve got a bedroom situation going in one, I’m going to add in the addition of a flower or multiple flowers. I want this to reinforce the femininity of the photographs. I want to have an array of photographs of various areas of the body that are deemed sexually arousing/erotic and take a natural photo showing their unfemininity if you will. The hair, the stretchmarks, the skin tags, the rolls of fat, the things deemed most unsightly. I want this photoshoot to have an ethereal almost feel to it.

For all of my photoshoots I’m going to use natural lighting, I want it to feel natural and personal.

The second I’m feeling water, also an inclusion of flowers in this one. Creating an opaque water to only show parts of the body that are protruding out. This should hopefully emphasise the figure, drawing attention to certain areas of the body. I’m hoping the water and light will reflect giving me a really nice effect across the body.

For my final idea, I thought of something quitter (quite literally) stretchmarks with my liquid copper leaf, painting over the mark on the skin leaving a beautiful copper shimmer. I want to do this to convey the message that imperfections are to be celebrated and that they are beautiful. It will be on selective parts of the body, having a zoomed in aesthetic.

I’m hoping these all work out well as I want to show a variation through the photography for my final project, so fingers crossed!

Research, Research and More Research

So Girl on Girl is so perfect for this project, the variation of artist’s featured alongside the depth and diversity of the work is just ideal for my research.

Can’t stop, won’t stop talking about it.

As this is just early days (she says 2 months in) for my project and I haven’t really found my feet yet in regards to my final outcome or even experimentation. Because I’ve looked a lot at photographers I am quite inspired to do a couple of photoshoots.

I like how intimate a lot of the work I’ve been researching is, not necessarily in a erotic way but an intimate personal connection. I want to take this forward and develop on this concept through some photography of my own.

I would like to use a film camera in an ideal world just as it adds another layer of intimacy. I don’t know why and I don’t know if it’s just me that feels that way, but having the photograph so raw and unedited gives it an element of vulnerability.

I’m not sure if I actually will use film, it’s been a while and I’ll have to brush up on EVERYTHING, but I would really like to include it.

In terms of my first photoshoot, I’m hoping to just experiment with the body and manipulate it into different shapes to create more abstract photos. With the editing I want to crop them down to make you have to look at the photo for longer to understand what it is, not know immediately by just a glance.

I hope to have my photography like this as I feel bodies especially women’s bodies deserve so much more appreciation for what they are.


There Aint No Bunny Like A Playboy Bunny

I’m trying to get on it with research from quite early on so it gives me inspiration and ideas earlier so I can start piecing together my final outcome.

I want to look at books not just artists to give more depth to my project, for my dissertation I looked at Playboy which I’ve already started doing my research on, I want to continue looking at Playboy but incorporate more books. I think Naomi Wolfe The Beauty Myth will lend itself very well to this project, alongside Simone De Bouvoire the Second Sex, this is a more social studies literary book however I think it’s good to do varied and more academic research as well.

I’ve also looked into some other gender studies books including Gender, Nature and Nurture by Richard A. Lippa which discusses how nature informs societal roles and how each gender assumes their stereotypical role.

As I’m hoping to narrow down my focus onto The Female Gaze comparing that to the Male Gaze and looking into the fundamentals surrounding Female Gaze, theories, social studies, feminist writings but also writings that contradict and disagree.

I’ve began looking already into the Three Waves of Feminism, I think I need to study this and research this more, especially disagreements people have with the most current Third Wave. During my first project (Creative Research) I focused on the Woman’s Marches, I think this is very much relevant to this project.

This kind of research where I’m not just focusing on the creative side of my project but delving deeper into academic references will help round my project off and give me a better understanding of what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.

To Illustrate or Not To Illustrate

I’m getting quite stuck thinking about how I’m going to start doing work and stop completely focusing on research.

I love illustration and that’s what I want to focus on in my work however I’m not sure how to incorporate it or how to make my outcome more than just a few illustrations. It needs to have depth and variety which at this point I’m just not sure how to do that.

I’m hoping to do some photography but I haven’t decided how much of a serious photoshoot I’m going to do or if I just take some photos to use in some mix media illustrations.

I’m not so much thinking of my final outcome I’m more so thinking of my experimentation and linking it in with my research.

I’m still looking at Playboy, even though it’s at the start of my sketchbook it is a constant reference I’m using. With it being so heavily photography based that’s what’s making me consider doing a photoshoot but I’m not sure how good my skills are to produce something that wouldn’t look horrendous.

I’m gonna try just experimenting with some illustration work and see where it takes me!

The Final Countdown

Oh god oh god oh god.

I hate when deadlines get this close, even though I don’t necessarily feel THAT worried, it’s just you know it’s coming so no matter you’re gonna worry!

I’m feeling better about my magazine, I haven’t quite done the final layout and formatting but that is all to come! Especially because I’ve booked in a printing slot so I feel I have something pressing and definite to work towards.

My sketchbook I think I’m gonna do one more look over, make sure everythings good decide if I feel I need to add more but at this stage I don’t quite know what else I could add! But hopefully if that’s good I’ll get printed in the next couple of days!

Everything is looking up.

The only thing I haven’t really thought much about is my statement of intent, obviously I’ve done all the research and things and I’ve been writing my dissertation so I am very much still thinking about it. I just haven’t quite knuckled down and got anything on paper. I guess as well it’s not set in stone so if I’m unsure I do have room to change it, I just lose the time over Christmas to research.


Ahhhh it’ll all work itself out I’m sure, I refuse to stress about this when my magazine a few weeks ago was nothing more than a distant anxious thought yet here we are, at the final countdown!!!!

The Inevitable

I’m feeling good with brief 1 at the minute, like I’m definitely behind time wise and where I should be. I think that being stuck in such a rut in the first couple of weeks really effected my time management and workload, especially with brief 2 looming over our heads now.

I dunno, I feel I’ve just got to grasps with this project and I’m feeling like I’m heading in the right direction and I’m gonna get lumped with something else to try and wrap my head around.

I know I know, technically speaking I should be finished Brief 1 with my outcomes if not nearly finished, which completely admit I’m not but I don’t think that it is entirely my fault, starting back at uni with brief 1 it just felt a bit chaotic and I don’t really know if anyone really knew exactly was happening the first couple of weeks. I know I’m not the only one who’s at this stage in their project this sort of late on so I’m not too stressed about that, I’m more just dreading this second brief alongside Business and our Dissertation I feel we have a lot of work in such a small space of time for such a low amount of credits/percentage.

I dunno, I’m probably just having an off day but I just don’t necessarily feel confident going forward especially with the inevitable brief 2 coming out next week.

We will see anyway, maybe I’m just worrying for the sake of it!

Ready For Action

Okay.. so I am feeling a lot better about this project than I was during my crisis last week I had a tutorial which REALLY helped, I think sometimes it’s just good to have someone to either say yes or no and just kind of steer you in a direction that either you haven’t thought about or just confirm what you’re thinking is right.

So what I have taken from my tutorial was to not worry about this magazine and potentially do a more editorial, I loveeeeeee illustrations like that’s my jam that’s what I want my outcome to be for this brief but I think I created 3 things I wanted/needed to do for this project (illustrations, magazine, womens march) and I was just looking for ways to bridge them together and link them and I just needed to take a complete step back. I think trying to make these links were 100% what was stopping me.

Well hopefully I’ll see what happens when I start illustrating my final outcomes, I’ve been looking at Francesca Pageo and her stuff is SO GOD DAMN DREAMY, she deffo holds a lot of my inspiration, now it’s just trying to get that inspiration on paper.

I’m also not dwelling too much on the Women’s Marches, like something has to give for me to stop being so scared of this blank piece of paper and just start doing yanno, I know I’ll find a way to link and convey the message I want and to be honest I bet it’ll end up being subconscious anyway!

I’m just so glad that I feel more positive about this and ready to go forward, oh AND I’m going to another cheeky photography exhibition.

I know right I’m crazy.

Stuck In A Rut

I literally have no idea.

I feel I just don’t have any direction in this project right now, I can’t see past the outcome of a magazine and because I can’t get past this, I just keep trying to look too deep into it trying to literally link this magazine I’m gonna create with the Womens March.

I’m stuck in a rut, and I can’t get my head out of it.

I know that I’m focusing too hard on linking them and I need to take a step back, BUT I JUST CAN’T OKAY.

I have a tutorial coming up and oh boy I need it, I just need validation and reassurance that I can link these together even loosely.

The thing with art is as long as you can justify why you’ve done it and have a reasonable argument to what/why/how it links and can show/discuss then you can link most things within reason.

I just can’t see a connection, to me I feel I have two projects running parallel a research into the Womens March and a creative project of a magazine.

I dunno, I’m sure I’ll see the light.

A Warm Welcome

Well.. it’s been a while, for uni and this blog!

It’s pretty strange being back after over 12 months of being away from Brighton AND education, living in London then coming back here is super super weird. Like hey there sea how have you been??

Brighton hasn’t seemed to change that much  some shops are different but it’s still basically how I remember it.

Yet here we are, new year new me n all jazz it’s fourth year we’re meant to have changed. Right?

Oh god fourth year, looming over our heads sooooo many deadlines like ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod, can we all just pull the duvets over our head and pretend this isn’t happening??

I mean I may be speaking too soon, but there isn’t one module that I’m not interested in this semester, THE BRIEFS ALL JUST LOOK QUITE INTERESTING!

Creative Research.. that one I am slightly on the fence about, I’m finding it a bit confusing but I’m gonna just put that down to being overwhelmed with first week back n all that.

I guess this is a welcome back to Brighton and this blog, I feel you both missed me.