Last Minute Dash

So this post was meant to be the finale shall we say, a lil cheeky round up of how I’m feeling with my work and general reflection upon this project.

BUT before we get to that, let me tell you about my crazy mad dash to the Tate Britain to see Rachel Whitereads exhibition there, I KNOW HOW CRAZY OF ME.

I researched her quite a bit for my project and I knew she had an exhibition but I just didn’t know when I’d be able to go, then BAM I went and I did not regret. I’m really happy I went even though my project is finished now anyway I thought it would still be useful if not for this then for Final Major Project!

So back to the ol’summary, I want babble on too much I promise.

Taking a step back from my project and looking at it as a whole (I’m only looking at brief 1), I don’t know what I think to be honest. I think from the outset I lost my way and that meant that throughout I was a bit confused and didn’t really have my head in it.

In terms of my experimentation and outcomes, I definitely feel I could have had a lot more experimentation I focused a lot on research then with not finding my direction till late on in the project I left myself little time for my own body of work. I wish I could of expanded more and been able to get a lot more digital stuff into this project.

Looking at my final magazine I’m not sure how I feel about it, it’s not what I imagined and I’m not sure you can really call it a magazine, more of a illustration lookbook? Editorial? I don’t know. I think I focused too much on doing illustrations and then too much on the basis research of the women’s march and just sort of forgot along the way about the fact it was a magazine and that could include photos, articles, I could have included my peers work etc etc.

However looking on the other side of it, I did think a bit outside the generic magazine box, going for illustrations which are very time consuming, then making it a visual magazine with my subject of Women’s Marches I think having an essentially ‘silent’ in a way magazine is a revolt in itself, a peaceful protest. Throughout the magazine I have shown a lot of different techniques, I not only included photography but also some digital manipulation (less than I would have wanted) and my drawing/paint skills combining these all together to get the final illustrations.

I combined a lot into a small project, I just think I might have tried to do too much in too short a time unfortunately.

Wow, well that ended up a bit more negative than I first anticipated.

And just like that it’s end of Brief 1, Brief 2 it’s been a pleasure and welcome Final Major Project!

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