What statistical test? An interactive tool to help you decide

This is an interactive tool designed to help researchers decide what statistical test to perform when designing studies and analysing research data. I wrote this in HTML and JavaScript based on the decision chart available on Tennessee State University‘s public server. It includes a priori tests only.

Simply answer the questions regarding your study and the tool will lead you to the most appropriate test (fingers crossed).

You may download the source code simply by saving the HTML file to your own computer. The tool requires jQuery to run, and it pulls the script directly from jQuery’s server, so a live internet connection will be needed.

Disclaimer: This tool is provided as-is and without any warranty. You should know that I am no statistics genius, and that this is simply a re-implementation of the decision chart referred to above, which in itself does not demonstrate statistical prowess on my part. If you spot any errors or would like to suggest improvements, please leave a comment below or email me.

If you’re a biomedical researcher like me who wants to learn more about the application of statistical methods in your research, check out Statistics for Biologists.

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