October 9th 2017 #Inktober Day 9 – University
Today’s word is ‘University’ so here is my bit of the University of Brighton, the Watts Building, where I spend the majority of my working days.
October 8th 2017 #Inktober Day 8 – Grubbs
Today’s challenge was Grubbs, a burger restaurant in Brighton (for the uninitiated!) Here’s my offering, completed as a copying challenge – next to the original for comparison. What a very odd looking burger…
October 7th 2017 #Inktober Day 7 – Pier
A bit more time at the weekend, so settled down to try and draw the West Pier. I used some stock photography for inspiration and to try and get the shape of the starlings (sidenote: murmuration is one of my favourite…
October 6th 2017 #Inktober Day 6 – Bins
A choice of bins have been put out on Bin Day. Had a friend round after work, so she, I and my son all drew our bins. Mine is the one that looks like slime is coming out of…
October 5th 2017 #Inktober Day 5 – Skateboard
Didn’t get time until now to do my drawing so using the kids felt tip pens for a change! I wimped out of drawing a person again, but as you can see I struggled with the shape of the skateboard…
October 4th 2017 #Inktober Day 4 – Pebbles
Today’s word is Pebbles. I’d been looking at what other people had been drawing for Inktober and was taken with Duncan Bullen’s geometic points. Pebbles seemed a good chance to try that out (certainly easier than skateboard tomorrow!) so I…
October 3rd 2017 #Inktober Day 3 – Artisans
I had issues yesterday getting my drawing digitised because of the thin biro lines, so I raided the stationary cupboard today for a better pen. Today’s image was drawn with a black Sharpie. Much nicer! I knew I was going…
October 2nd 2017 #Inktober Day 2 – Hipsters
Today’s prompt word for #Inktober is ‘Hipsters’. I’m a bit scared of drawing faces or hands so opted for some hipster icons…they were supposed to be cool glasses but look a bit more like a Batman mask. Feeling a…
October 1st 2017 #Inktober Day 1 – Seagull
Rob is running an #Inktober activity this year for our School of Art, so I’m up for the challenge! Day 1, and it happens I’ve got family round for lunch. So in order to earn their desert they are all…
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