Pong – Player vs AI

Pong – Player vs AI


Making Cardboard Maze Prototype

Making Cardboard Maze Prototype

Build 1 Build 1 documents process of creating the cardboard prototype to be operated by hand. Materials Cardboard boxes BBQ Skewers Rubber Bands Wire cable ties Fixings PVA Contact Adhesive Electrical Tape Superglue Tools 60cm rule Stanley knife Wirecutter Method I based …


Eyebrow Controlled Pinball

Eyebrow Controlled Pinball

Parts Lasercut Parts MiniSero 180 Servo Motors Arduino Uno Rev 3 M4 30mm Bolts & Nuts Software FaceOSC: https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker/releases Puredata Extended: https://puredata.info/downloads/pd-extended Arduino: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software


Softwares Guide

Softwares Guide

Quick terminology guide for software used in this project. ​ Ableton Live – Ableton Live is a digital audio workstation for macOS and Windows. Max/MSP – Max is …


Hack – Eyebrow Controlled RC Skateboard

Hack – Eyebrow Controlled RC Skateboard

EBC Skateboard Tony Hawk Circuit Board RC Skateboard hack using an Arduino & a handful of software to allow the user to control the skateboard using …


Hack – Eyebrow Controlled Tempo

Hack – Eyebrow Controlled Tempo

screenshot of theM M4L patch Max for Live patch allowing you to control the master tempo in Ableton Live using your eyebrows via facial landmarking software. LINKS: https://wikifactory.com/@josephlyons/eyebrow-controlled-tempo https://github.com/josephlyons/eyebrow-controlled-tempo

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