Are lululemon’s web designing team doing it right?

It would seem to be obvious that not all webistes serve the same purpose, therfore  would require different needs and characteristics to ensure the consumer leaves with a positive experience and potenetially returns in the future.

In reference to The OCHN Framework, the characteristics are split into three different categories; Structaul firmness these are characteristics that influence the websites perfomance and security. Functional convience, these charactersitics aid the consumers navigation and site’s ease of use. Lastly, Representational delight, these characteristics stimulate a consumers atmospherics sense (Valacich et al,2007).

In addition, Valacish et al (2007) states that a natural trade off will occur  in regards to the design of a website this is due to situational factors, design complexity and resource limitation.

Lululemon, is fast growing Canadian sports apparell brand operating in over 354 stores worldwide. The brand primarly known  for their trendy high quality womens’ yoga range did expand into  running and gym clothing  for both men and women.

Upon arrival on the webiste it is clear that the structual firmness and functional convience are important characteirtics to the brand. The website is easy to use with secure payment methods. This statement is also supported with previous experience I  received when  purchasing from the brand. Futhermore, having read through the reviews no consumer  has yet to complain about security problems in regards to payment.

In reference to Maslow’s heirachy of needs (1943) structual firmness is the most critical to ensure the survival and success of the website (Valacich et al,2007). Additonally, it would appear that Lululemon made this a priority when designing the website, justified by the growing positive brand image, increase in demand and revenue generated throughout the years, having increased by $1.8 million in the last 7 years (Lululemon Annual Report, 2017).

In terms of the services the website  offer, it would suggest it follows a utilitarian approach as consumers are concerned with payment issues and security aswell as ease of use whislt navigating around the website trying to find their desired product.

In conlcusion, the success of Lululemon and its offical website is because the company was able to provide an acceptable level of each of the OCHN framework charactieristics, this in turn has fulfilled the consumers baisc needs.


Lululemon Annual Report (2017) [online] avaialble at < > accessed 25 October 2017

Maslow,A,H. (1943) citied in Valacich, J.S., Parboteeah, D.V. and Wells, J.D., 2007. The online consumer’s hierarchy of needs. Communications of the ACM, 50(9), pp.84-90.

Valacich, J.S., Parboteeah, D.V. and Wells, J.D., 2007. The online consumer’s hierarchy of needs. Communications of the ACM, 50(9), pp.84-90.


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