
[:en]Greenpeace is a non-government organisation that was founded in 1969. Over the years this organisation have been known to be heavy, pushing the reality of earth threatening issues, intrusively in your face. I do not necessarily agree with their tactics, however, I really like their campaign ‘Timeout for fast fashion’ which strives to educate individuals on the perils of fast fashion and asking them to take action before it is too late. I really like the visuals they have used. You can see that they are targeting young women as this demographic is more likely to buy clothing on a mass scale, most purchases are impulse buys and unneeded. This campaign was release in 2016 and targeted shoppers involved with ‘Black Friday’. As a counteractive for the mass of product consumed on this day alone the international ‘buy nothing day’ was put into effect, however, this is not enough.

“It is hard to resist the allure of a good bargain, but fast fashion means we’re consuming and trashing fashion at a higher rate than our planet can handle,” said Kirsten Brodde, head of Greenpeace’s Detox my Fashion campaign.

Statistics, shown in figures           , highlight the true impact that fast fashion has on our planet. The visuals of this campaign have been adapted to the demographic that they are addressing; you can see the difference from looking at their Instagram account which is their usual aesthetic. It shows how important it is to understand your demographic and adapting your marketing strategies appropriately. I normally don’t like the aggressive tone that surrounds the visual identity of Greenpeace, however, I really like the way they have displayed this campaign. The contrast in the beauty of the models and colours used to the subtle garbage and rural backdrops.[:]

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