Tagged: #brightinktober

inktober 2017 day 9

I’ve been getting my inktober images into the blog with my iPhone camera.

Inktober elf

My iPhone takes a picture that’s about 2.3Mb in size, and 4032×3024 pixels.

The screen on my iPhone however is only 1334×750 pixels so the image is much bigger than the screen, which is great as it allows images to be cropped without losing quality. However a 2.3Mb image will download slowly and use up a fair bit of bandwidth so If you are sharing images on the web it makes sense to keep them to a reasonable size.

A reasonable size for images most web pages is about 1000 pixels wide, and about 150-200Kb.

So how do you make the file smaller. Some services will do this automatically, Instagram for example reduces uploads to 1000x1000pixels. But if you want to reduce the size of an image it’s super easy.

On a mac you just double click the image to open it in Preview.

Select Tools>Adjust Size, and then set it to somewhere around 1000 pixels width. With the scale proportionally selected the image with keep the original aspect ratio.

Once done Export, and add a little compression, around 60% is a good starting point.

Inktober 2017 day 6

Lots of Inktobering going on this week, social media seems quite full of inky goodness. Claire Moore has been doing some fine inky landscapes:


Fiona MacNeill has been following the Brighton Inktober Prompt List, and gave a yabba dabba doodah Pebbles:

Today I’m going to have a chat with the UoB Level 4 Illustrators about using studentcentral, and will give Inktober a plug. Hopefully next week we’ll have a few more students joining the fray.

This weekend I’m also going to try and add a couple of short videos on image sizing, compression and file formats for the web, as it’ll be useful not just for Inktober but for reducing the sizes of assignments to squeeze into Turnitin.

Inktober 2017 day 5

High in the lofty eyrie that is the University of Brighton Litho Workshop, there’s a wall of Inktober offerings that is growing daily.


Some folk are feeling a bit shy about posting in public, so the semi public wall gives folk a chance to join in the challenge without getting nervous. Scarlett Tierney is looking after the wall, and the folks, and joining in the inktober activity over on the twitter:

Inktober 2017 day 4

Pauline Ridley has joined the Brighton Inkoberists.

Pauline has been encouraging folk to draw for a while, and worked on a previous University of Brighton Big Draw project which involved the drawing-a-day map, a fantastic fold out for gathering a whole months worth of drawing in one place.

Fold out drawing a day map

This Inktober Pauline is following the Brighton prompt list, with a twist… hips instead of hipsters.

I’m continuing with my A-Z of slightly fantasy inspired things with D is for Dragon.


#inktober #inktober2017 #brightinktober day four and the rhymes are getting predictable apparently

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