inktober2017 day 1
And we’re off to a cracking start, there are at least six of us who’ve accepted the challenge.
Katie is using the Brighton themed promptlist and going for quantity in her first post.
I’ve had a go at recording my normal inky process so I can see how and if I improve over the coming month…
…and here’s the end result for day 1
I like your Axe better than my Seagull but have blogged it anyway. Thanks for doing the Photoshop video – I didn’t know about the bitmap 50% threshold thing you did, so tried that and think it helps!
How about you do a seagull with an Axe?
I did a five minute scribble and photographed it on my phone. I’m not a very good ambassador for technology or organisation at the moment.
Here’s hoping day two is my productive.
What’s special about Calais in 1994? I’m intrigued.
Just a bit reflective as I moved to Folkestone with the hope of visiting France more often but I’m too broke to go. Also, 1994 was the year I starting learning German in secondary school. I thought Calais looked depressing but I was excited about the future of Europe – I hoped to be living a jetset lifestyle.
I’ve started posting my Inktober drawings at
Top notch, I’ll add you the list of Brighton intoberists.