Immersive Teaching & Learning

University of Brighton

School of Art and Media

Students’ Projects | MA in DIGITAL MEDIA ARTS 
Course Leader: Sue Gollifer

The MA in Digital Media Arts is taught both at the University of Brighton and at Lighthouse. Lighthouse is an Art Charity and Digital Culture Agency and a key part of their work is education and professional development. Through short technology labs and courses, the agency helps empower the digital artists and creative engineers of tomorrow.

The course has been developed in the context of Brighton’s status as an important part of the media economy, adopting an interdisciplinary approach that allows students to use and develop their existing skills in an environment that encourages both innovation and high-quality production. The course provides training for artists, designers and arts professionals wishing to seek a career in the creative, cultural and digital media industries, offering expert education in the areas of interaction design, social media, programming, digital film, installation, public art, and interactive art.

Screenshot from Adem Turkdogan’s exhibition video: St. George of The Latins Church VR | 3D Modelling, VR Experience

At the end of their academic year, the students collaboratively design and prepare their Graduate Show during which to showcase their Live Projects work, each year based on a different and collectively chosen theme. In 2017, at their Exhibition INTERFUSION, the artists explored the themes of human relationships, individualism and perspective through the mediums of Film, Animation, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Interactive Installation Art. To view more students’ projects, please click here.

TAGS: SOM, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality

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Giulia Tranquillini • July 13, 2022

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