show a hidden menu
In My Studies if you are on a small screen or window the menu in a module area will be… read more
In My Studies if you are on a small screen or window the menu in a module area will be… read more
In powerpoint select File>Export and pick jpeg, reduce the size to something reasonable – around 1000px on longest edge is… read more
On a mac select the file you want to find information on and then select CMD and I The information… read more
Download GIPHY from the Mac App Store and open the application. Open the video you want to convert to a GIF… read more
On a mac if you want to undo the last thing you did select CMD and Z If you change… read more
on a Mac open a document or web page and select CMD and F type the search term and it’ll… read more
on a mac, select CMD & Space bar Start typing and you’ll see all the results… select an item to… read more
On a mac, in the finder or on the desktop select a file, then press the spacebar. The quicklook… read more
To Cut, highlight the text to cut Select CMD and X or to Copy, highlight the text to Copy Select… read more
Submit your video to mediastream (I’ll add a link to how to do that here) In studentcentral go to the… read more