portfolio: creating an identity

(a collation of a few selected images of my work, with recognisable colour and theme similarities)

After examining our current collections of work as a group in Daniela’s workshop, it was easy for me to spot repetitive themes, styles and colour palettes in my work that help tie it all together. This helps me recognise that I do have a personal style and identity to my work, for example I often feature pastel or feminine colours in my images, as well as experimental text and textures.

My work is more centred around still life and art directed shots, as well as creative collage and illustration in my more tactile pieces. There are also recognisable themes and concepts in my project, including topics of femininity, sexuality and wellbeing/mental health.

I recognise my portfolio of work as quite young and contemporary, often commenting on youth culture, lifestyle trends and attitudes towards sex, the body, social media, nature. I was pleased that this is clear in my work as I often worried that my interests within fashion communication were quite broad, and that it isn’t clear where my interests lie – but when looking at my work laid out next to each other it is obvious that I do have themes and ideas I return to and enjoy working around.

This has helped me to think about forming and developing my own visual identity for my portfolio, online presence and promotion of myself/my work. The repetition of pink and feminine qualities in my images mean there is a simple starting point for an aesthetic that would compliment my work, and the contemporary nature of my images mean that I can start thinking about designs for my website, portfolio and promotional material that complement this.

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