Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

College of Occupational Therapists (COT) Conference

Four of the Occupational Therapy team are attending the College of Occupational Therapists (COT) conference at the end of June. Dr Josh Cameron, Principal Lecturer, is doing a seminar session is entitled: Building resilience for mental health recovery: a Recovery College collaboration. The co-authors are Sussex Partnership Trust OTs Mair Reardon and Anna Kemp; Peer Trainers:…

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Research sabbatical

Dr Josh Cameron, Principal Lecturer in Occupational Therapy has been successful in his application for a University research sabbatical. This will begin in November 2016 and finish 6 months later at the end of April 2017. He is committed to using the bulk of this time to analyse and write up findings from the Imagine Project which…

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Numbers of graduates finding jobs hits all-time high

Numbers of University of Brighton graduates finding jobs or moving into further study hits all-time high. Source: Numbers of graduates finding jobs hits all-time high


The number of University of Brighton graduates finding work or moving on to further study after completing their studies has hit its highest ever level.  According to the latest annual figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency, more than nine out of ten graduates who completed their first degree in 2014-15 were in employment or…

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European Commission ‘HR Excellence in Research’ Award for the University of Brighton

Announced by the European Commission, the University of Brighton has retained its ‘HR Excellence in Research’ award. Source: European Commission ‘HR Excellence in Research’ Award for the University of Brighton

Goodbye Penny!

This August, we say goodbye to Dr Penny Lindley who will be taking her well earned retirement after nearly a decade in the School. Penny has held a variety of roles in her time with the University, and most recently has been Assistant Head of Schooland Programme Lead for Community Health Programmes. We will miss Penny but wish her all…

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Placement Educator Update Day and Emerging- Role supervisors’ workshop

There will be a session on JULY 4th 2016 in the morning at Falmer for educators who want to hear about any changes to the course or familiarise themselves with the Brighton course, assessment, paperwork etc. This is useful for educators who have done their educators training at another university but want to know about…

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Green impact – gold award

Green Impact is an environmental accreditation scheme from the National Union of Students and a Falmer based team within the School of Health Sciences have participated for 3 years now. Initially, the bronze criteria was achieved, last year the Silver award and this year the Falmer team was given the Green Impact Gold! There were…

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Student successes

A Santander ‘Volunteering and Community Engagement Award’ and £500 were given to Physiotherapy student LUKE MORRISON, now in his third year. The award was for Luke’s volunteering as a second year student through active Student in the ‘Gig Buddy’ scheme co-ordinated by the local charity ‘Stay Up Late.’ Luke shared his experiences at an award…

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Staff successes

Professor ANN MOORE was awarded a CBE for services to physiotherapy. Ann retired from the School of Health Sciences (formerly School of Health Professions) last year. She is currently Emeritus Professor with the University of Brighton. She has been research lead for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy since December 2007. Ann has published extensively in…

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