Is sustainable fashion really sustainable?
why is sustainability in fashion popular currently?
- eco friendly materials are better for the planet
- sustainable fashion tends to mean better treatment of the people making the clothes
- sustainable fashion can also mean better treatment of animals e,g vegan leather
fashions enviromental impact?
- uses non renewable oil sources to create plastic for packaging etc…
- lots of fashion ends up in landfill within a few years of purchase
- 85% of textiles end up in landfills each year
- accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions
- responsible for 20% of wastewater
- uses pesticides which ruins soil
- cuts down rainforests
what is sustainable fashion:
- fashion that protects and preserves the environment
- created in an efficient factory using renwable energy resources
- made from materials that could possibly have ended in landfills
- minimises water consumption for textile creation
- high quality
is sustainable fashion actually sustainble?
the sustainability of fashion is not technically sustainable, all fashion creates greenhouse gas emissions furing the shipping process and the manufacturing, and less than 1% of clothing is actually recycled into new clothing .