How to Navigate Clearing for Postgraduate and Masters Degrees

a group of postgraduate students discussing their work

If you’re a postgraduate or masters student, you may be wondering if you can apply through Clearing. In this guide, we’ll explore popular questions about Clearing for postgraduate and masters students.

Can Postgraduates and Masters Students Apply through Clearing?

The short answer is no, postgraduates and masters students don’t apply through Clearing. It’s important to note that University Clearing in 2024 as with previous years, is designed for undergraduate students, and the Clearing places are for undergraduate courses.

Postgraduate students present a project on a wipe board at university

Popular Questions about Clearing for Postgraduate and Masters Students

What postgraduate and masters courses are available during Clearing?

Postgraduate and masters courses are available during Clearing, these can vary from year to year and depend on the individual university. However courses available specifically through Clearing aren’t for postgraduate and masters students. You may find that some universities have places available on popular postgraduate and masters courses at the same time but you won’t follow the same process.

How do I apply for a postgraduate or masters course ?

To apply for a postgraduate or masters courses you can search for available postgraduate courses or contact the university directly, discuss your grades and other qualifications and ask if they have any places. You may need to provide information about your qualifications and your reasons for applying.

Clearing is designed for undergraduate students. Postgraduates and masters students can apply year-round and don’t get to apply through the Clearing process.