Missed Your First-Choice University? It Could Be a Great Opportunity 

Applying to university is a significant moment filled with anticipation and hope. However, after exam results day not everyone will get a spot at their first-choice institution. While this might initially seem disheartening, it can open doors to unexpected and new opportunities – and it’s far from the end of your academic journey…. It’s OK… Continue Reading Missed Your First-Choice University? It Could Be a Great Opportunity 

Finding Clearing Difficult? We Solve Some Common Problems

Clearing can be a lifeline if you didn’t get the results you were hoping for or have decided late on your university choices. However, the process to apply can appear a little daunting. Let’s address some common problems and issues and investigate useful solutions to help you navigate Clearing smoothly.  Common Clearing Problems and Solutions … Continue Reading Finding Clearing Difficult? We Solve Some Common Problems

A-level Results Got You Down? 10 Positive Steps to Find Your Way

A-level results day can bring a mix of emotions, from excitement to anxiety. It’s easy to feel disheartened if you’re calculating your exam results and they aren’t what you expected or don’t add up to enough UCAS points. However, this is just one chapter in your academic journey, and there are many positive steps you… Continue Reading A-level Results Got You Down? 10 Positive Steps to Find Your Way

Are You in Clearing? Here’s Why You Don’t Need to Worry 

It’s easy to say ‘don’t worry’. But if you didn’t get the results you were hoping for or your plans have changed, it’s totally understandable you might be concerned. However, there are many reasons people just like you go into Clearing. You’re not alone in this and there’s plenty of support available to get you… Continue Reading Are You in Clearing? Here’s Why You Don’t Need to Worry 

Moving into University Halls in 2024: A Guide for Students

When you move into university halls it’s an incredibly exciting time. The anticipation of starting your uni course, meeting new flatmates and living away from home is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. Here’s some updated tips and resources for 2024 to help you with the journey.  5 Key things you need to know when moving into… Continue Reading Moving into University Halls in 2024: A Guide for Students

From Print to Pixel: What’s the Best University Prospectus?

Getting to university is no small task, and access to comprehensive, reliable information is super important. Let’s look at how you can use the different types of university prospectus to find out what’s best as you do your research. The changing form of the university prospectus Among all the resources available to you, the university… Continue Reading From Print to Pixel: What’s the Best University Prospectus?