Flexible Grades and how University Grade Requirements are Changing 

Welcome to our guide on the evolving landscape of university admissions. We look into the nuances of flexible grades and innovative approaches by universities like Brighton. Whether you’re applying to university as an undergraduate, or curious about higher education’s future, it’s for you. Introduction to Flexible Admissions in University Applications  Hello, future university students! As… Continue Reading Flexible Grades and how University Grade Requirements are Changing 

How do you pay for student accommodation in the UK? 

Hey there! Thinking about university and wondering about accommodation costs? We get it, finances can be a bit nerve-wracking, especially with accommodation fees. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back with some helpful info to guide you through.  Here’s what we’ll cover:  How Do You Pay for Student Accommodation?  Wondering how students pay for their… Continue Reading How do you pay for student accommodation in the UK?