GambLGBTQ+, Understanding Gambling in LGBTQ+ Communities, is a research project from the University of Brighton.

The University of Brighton research team is made up of Dr Laetitia Zeeman and Dr Alex Sawyer who are Co-Principal investigators on the study. Dr Matt Smith (they/them) is the research fellow for this project. Prof Nigel Sherriff and Dr Helen Johnson provide further support and expertise for the project. Our peer researchers Josetta and Zander complete the team in Brighton and facilitate the photovoice groups and interviews.

We work in partnership with: 

Switchboard, connecting you to LGBTQ+ support

Switchboard is a charity for LGBTQ people looking for a sense of community, support or information.  We connect people and support them directly through specially developed Switchboard services or link them other specialist organisations.

Set up in 1975 Switchboard has been listening to and informing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people in Brighton & Hove and beyond.  Originally a helpline, we have developed additional services and now offer much more.


You Gov logo

YouGov is an international online research data and analytics technology group. Its innovative solutions help researchers produce in-depth insights on often under researched and timely topics.

As innovators and pioneers of online market research, they have a strong reputation as a trusted source of accurate data and insights. YouGov’s purpose is to give our global community a voice by collecting, measuring and analysing their opinions and behaviours and reporting the findings accurately and free from bias.


Gamble Aware logoGambleAware is the leading independent charity and strategic commissioner of gambling harm education, prevention, early intervention, and treatment across Great Britain.

We’re dedicated to keeping you safe from gambling harms. GambleAware work in close collaboration with the NHS, clinicians, local and national government, gambling treatment providers, as well as other mental health services, across four key areas: Advice, tools & support, National Gambling Support Network, Research and Campaigns.