Genderless fashion trend

Gucci Fall 2017 RTW

Sex and gender aren’t perfectly, so why should our clothes be?

However, the latest trends and fashion is changing the way it used to be. Companies nowadays trying to provide gender neutral fashion that not only help them in gaining more profit by targeting both genders but also help them in fulfilling their corporate social responsibility by breaking this gender line. People also are getting somehow neutral due to these trends and started accepting the trends of the opposite gender.


Love is LOVE

“There were a lot of questions raised by feminism, the Civil Right movement, the Gay Right movement about gender roles, and the extent to which individuals should follow gender roles. And part of that is going to be the way you look. As the gay and lesbian, bisexual, trans-movement has progressed, that expanded into these notions of a non-binary understanding of gender.”

-Jennifer Self



“I made an observation before starting unisex to understand who I am as a person and how to express myself. I didn’t understand who decided that a man should be dressed differently than a woman and all of these other limitations that we have in life like our age, gender, religion, nation, or any other boundaries that divide people from each other.”

-Rad Howani

Most of people will probably think he is a gay if a man wear lace, pink, skirt or high heeled shoes.

Women: Not wear bra/underwear = conservative/(slut)

Men: Wear bra = Unnormal


Gender Discrimination

Feminine always considered as a low power and inferior gender in most religions and nations. Female always had to sacrifice something for pleasing men or they had to follow some strange traditions.

For instance, in Chinese culture small feet are perceived as a symbol of beauty, although it is no longer popular. In order to keep them small, people used to bind the feet of girls, which later came to be seen by people as a symbol of wealth. This culture was important for women only but was very painful.

Another traditional is quite similar to foot binding is female genital mutilation, they are all created female body and temperament by man.

In the movie “THE DESERT FLOWER”

“It’s a cultural practice for them to preserve the sexual being in girls until they’re married. They see the outer genitalia as ‘dirty.’ ”

Also, this is the culture hegemony trap set by the fashion empire to the female body, they are usually show this is their voluntary choice to change their body, but sometimes is difficult to realise some of these behaviour is not for themselves.

Gender discrimination became more of culture now. As people from one generation to another are inheriting these perspectives, what they see, they do the same. Hence, even now some people follow these traditions.


Fashion different between man and women

I put ‘female fashion’ in Google, and it came out these images.

-long hair

-high heeled shoes

-skirt, dress

-long legs

-pink, red


This is what came out when I researched male fashion

-dark colour

-jacket, denim

-leather shoes

-no pattern

-suits, shirts


Clothes make the man, or woman

“This differences in dress come to symbolise the supposed differences in the sexes”

Women like a flouncy dress, were frivolous and superficial.

Men like a suit, were serious and practical.

Pink is colour for female.

Blue is colour for male.

There is a good example: toilet symbol

All ladies symbols are with dress or red.

That’s why wearing the “wrong” gender’s cloth can be painful for whose who don’t feel their sex and gender match, even very young children.


Diversity Now! | Gender Line

What’s the different between man and woman?

Long hair or short hair?

Breast size?

In our society, there are always been a line between the genders. Such as, men are always evaluated with the words like car, women, work, money, sport, moustaches, black, grey, tie. These words relate to boys as they are interested in these. On contrary, society always associate women with children, home, cooking, cleaning, dressing, bikini, long legs, pink, bow, etc. These difference were and still are same.


Amazing Walhalla

Anselm Kiefer – Walhalla

His works are often use straw, line, shellac, stone, models, photographs, prints, and and iron and other metal elements. Huge work sizes as well as dark metal and obscure theme, burst out of a strong sense of historical, giving people the feeling of threat and oppression. It allows people to see many of the evil in the depths of the human soul, the lack of maverick life attitude, lack of perseverance, the lack courage to face the truth.



Feminist Avant – Grade of The 1970s

Primary research from The Photographer’s Gallery.

Feminist Avant – Grade of The 1970s

‘The Seductive Body’

‘Domestic Agenda’

‘In My Skin’

‘Alter Ego’

Ketty La Rocca, My words and you? 1971/1972 Vienna

If you see the picture very closely, it is not difficult to see there are many ‘you’ on hand in different sizes

Ewa Partum, Change, 1974

Rita Myers, Body Halves, 1971

Francesca Woodman

Karin Mack, Destruction of an illusion, 1997

Margot Pilz, Untitled aus 4th Dimension, 1978



In Martha Wilson’s work Portfolio of Models (1974) female archetypes are variously posed as Goddess, Housewife, Working Girl, Earth Mother and Lesbian.

Whitechapel Gallery

Terrains of the body

The artist in this display aim their cameras at the female body to express identity, communicate individual and collective experiences and give life to the imagination.

Judy Chicago, Red Flag, 1971

Renate Eisenegger, Isolation, 1972

Hellen Van Meene, Untitled 2000/1999/2002/2000