Planes, Trains & Automobiles
“Print Sales presents a group show exploring our enduring fascination with man-made transportation and the journeys they evoke: metaphoric, philosophical and literal.”
“From the raw insouciance of a teenage couple kissing in the back seat of a car to the more random brief encounter of pedestrians captured through a taxi window, he presents his subjects with a unique autonomy and agency and offers viewers rare access to hidden lives”
Idea : To capture the inside from outside the bus
Bruce Dvidson, Brooklyn Gang, 1959
Bruce Dvidson, England/ Scotland, 1960
Sebastiao Salgado, Churchgate Station, Bombay, 1995
Elliott Erwitt, Steam Train Press, Wyoming, 1954
Elliott Erwitt, Santa Monica, California, 1955
Louis Stettner, Six Windows, Penn Station, 1958
“Penn Station was a pause, where people could get in touch with themselves, and a way that I could get in touch with them.”
Six Windows is my favorites. The six windows are like six different stories, six different lives.