Lucy McRae is a science-fiction artist, director and self-proclaimed “body architect” who explores human adaptation and the frontiers of the body, emphasizing the connection between technology and imagination.
Most of her works are fantastic, grotesque, unexpected or surprising, and can take the audience out of their comfort zone and experience the visual experience of “Lucy” .
Blush Dress is a Dress that shines by sensing the emotions of its owner. The discovery team also won a design award from Time magazine for “Blush Dress” .
At the meantime, she collaborated with biologist and Harvard Professor Sharef Mansy to develop a perfume capsule called “swalable parapfum” in Muncie. The user swallows the capsule like a drug, and soon the body releases a scent as if it had been perfumed.
However, it doesn’t matter to Lucy McRae what perfume smells like. What matters is that she has redefined people’s skin and, in a way, transformed the human body with technology.
Astronaut Aerobics
Her recent work Prep Your Body FOR SPACE, was inspired by meeting a NASA economist on a bus.
“I’m keen on exploring how the body could start changing in order to withstand long periods of time and space. That’s what this project is looking at – it’s prepping the body to go to space.”
-Lucy McRae
This deep pressure device can be used to treat autism, depression, and reduce physical tension and anxiety.