Rinko Kawauchi – AILA

The subject of Rinko Kawauch’s best known work “Aila” which means “family” in Turkish is the depiction of the essence of life: animals, plants and people are shown in a sequence assembled by free association, which also includes both birth and death.

She talk about live and death, the senses and the fluidity of reality. Those photos of ordinary daily are very clear and beautiful, but if we look at carefully, my heart is heavy because is sadness and heavy behind the understatement photos.

Such as dead chicken head, dead bird on the road, flower and grandmother’s tombstone, newborn baby and grow old family, and a long black bug climbed over bathroom sop box. No one will think of the kitchen is a killing place when family have dinner together. People always can’t remember the importance and bad of the world in the life.

The world id beautiful, but it is morbid and imperfect. “Faint” is a very important part of her style, an unexpected impact hidden below this light colour, she successfully demonstrated the Japanese two different extreme cultural atmosphere. Below the  depth of field and low toned are the frightening of life, and projection of self fear. In the all colours, the most terrible is not black, but clean white. Compared to the oppressive and frantic black, the mental collapse of white is more lethality. Through her photos, I know photos not only “beautiful” and “moved”, there are “discomfort” as well.

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