Monthly Archives: November 2020
We are concerned with explorative experimental processes which uncover knowledge through engagement with practice. Drawing, making, writing and other methods are engaged with as tools for the slow disclosure of new insights, research questions and conclusions. The weight of our concern therefore sits within the oft overlooked region of process, as it is here that the work emerges and is understood. Process is therefore at the heart of our series of shared conversations, which act to support and challenge work as it emerges whilst nurturing research culture. We discuss what is at stake in the work across a membership that spans institutions and countries, brought together through our use of platforms that deny separation.
Symposia and exhibition offer the platform for wider discussion and the dissemination of members work, opening it to wider audiences and promoting opportunities for cross disciplinary collaboration.
If you would be interested in joining the conversation do get in touch with either Sarah Stevens or Sam Lynch through the contact details below. We look forward to hearing from you.