
Almost all games have some kind of merch for players to buy. This is to boost sales and the reputation of the game. It’s also an opportunity for fans to become that much closer to the game. There is a large range of items that companies have made and some very creative ones as well. I think it would be great if I created some mock up versions of merchandise for my “game”, with Graphic Burger, to then post on the Instagram page to add to the hype of the game.

There is a stigma behind video games that only nerdy guys play them. That is slowly changing but I think part of the reason that is there is because the merchandise isn’t that fashionable or appealing to those who don’t play video games. I think I could change this partly by creating mock up versions of more fashionable merchandise anyone could buy. I will of course make merch that has the logos and characters on them but I think more fashionable ones should be made for those who don’t play games. This could then be an outlet for those who aren’t that into gaming to play them.

Although the merch reflects what the game is, it looks a bit childish. Perhaps this is the reason why people who don’t play video games don’t play them, because they seem like they’re for children. I think video games are honestly the greatest creation by people in entertainment and there is a lot to learn and do with them. There is a massive gap in how they’re marketed though. They’re marketed to people who already play games and not really to those who don’t. If there was a game that looked fashionable and was marketed to those through merchandise, I think there would be a greater increase in people who play games. It would become really trendy.

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